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Getting into our stride for the 2019 season hasn’t been without its challenges…

There’s a certain irony about encouraging people to come and stay ‘whatever the weather’ and then having rain stop play when you’re trying to get the site ship shape for the year ahead. But it’s the nature of the game. Literally.  We just have to let nature do her thing and sit tight and know that when the time is right we’ll be able to move forward with our plans. If you’ve followed our Instagram stories you’ll know that getting our new hut, The Long View, into place was an epic adventure, and for a while she was stranded at the top of the hill – too heavy for the water logged ground to cope with her being towed into position. So we paused a while and eventually the rain stopped, and the wind blew, and the sun came out, and when nature obliged we resumed the herculean task. Now she’s sitting pretty in her new home while we add finishing touches and get her ready for guests (not long now – we’ll update soon!).

And that’s the story of our days here really, working with nature’s rhythms and she’s never in any hurry – things happen when they’re ready. Just like the first of the bluebells that have opened their buds last week, and the apple blossom that is starting to flower – and the most joyful sight of all – the return of the swallows to Swallowtail Hill – the first pair were spotted over the weekend.

There are plenty of frustrations about this – one could argue it’s no way to run a business – letting nature dictate the length of our season and therefore the number of holidays we can offer to guests. But on the other hand it’s very much in sync with our values and why we created this place – a short break at Swallowtail Hill is all about finding your own rhythm again, not rushing around, allowing yourself time to just ‘be’. The peace and quiet of our landscape is the perfect place to reconnect with yourself and with those that matter most to you – nature will always allow you time to do that.

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