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This month we’re introducing you to Daisy! Daisy is a super conscientious member of our housekeeping team – neat and tidy in all respects. And she learned from the best because she’s Chloe’s daughter! They are one of two Mum and daughter teams we now have on the staff! 

We asked her to share a bit about her ambitions and her favourite parts of her job here:

What’s your ambition?

My greatest ambition would be to spend some time in Japan in the future. I’ve had a great interest in Japan since I was very young and my fascination has grown as I’ve got older. I would really like to spend time immersed in Japanese culture, trying their cuisine, travelling the country and overall just learning how they live their daily lives. Japan is such a beautiful place with some of the most breathtaking views, delicate rituals and such a rich history and I really want to explore it!

Which is your favourite view at Swallowtail Hill?

To me it’s the view at The Longview. The glass doors showcase a panoramic shot of the sky above, which looks limitless. In any weather it is the perfect spot to stop, unwind and watch the world go by. 

Which is your favourite accommodation at Swallowtail Hill?

Meadowkeeper’s Cottage will always own the top spot in my heart for its gorgeous wildflower meadow throughout the summer, and for the adorable ducklings and baby moorhens who call the pond their home in springtime. 

What’s the best thing about your job?

Swallowtail Hill has such a kind and friendly workspace atmosphere so it’s very difficult to pinpoint a favourite aspect of the job but for me it would have to be working alongside our team. For someone who prefers working alone –  as I find it easier to get things done – Swallowtail has really opened up my eyes to the fact that teamwork can be fun with the right people and it can make any job (including cleaning the compost loos!) fly by.  

When you’re not at Swallowtail Hill where are you most likely to be found? What are you most likely to be doing? 

 When I am not at Swallowtail Hill I can either be found reorganising and cleaning my room for the 100th time that week, or wandering around a garden centre with my mum enjoying a cup of tea and a piece of cake while we search for more houseplants to add to my ever-growing collection. 

What’s your secret talent?

I enjoy making embroidery hoops / embroidering patterns onto clothes and bags. 

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