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At this time of year the wildflife in your backgarden could do with your help to survive the cold winter months.

Feeding the birds is any easy place to start – you could put out some bird seed or peanuts (not salted ones!) for them to enjoy, but they love breadcrumbs, crumbled cheese or leftover cooked rice too! 

A shallow bowl of fresh water is a good idea for birds and small mammals to drink from and bathe in. You could also make a special place for creepy crawlies, frogs and hedgehogs to hibernate in – a pile of twigs, dead logs and dry leaves in a corner of your garden would be perfect.

We have lots of different habitats around Swallowtail Hill so that as many different small animals, frogs, toads, slow worms, snakes, bat, birds and insects have places to live – keep an eye out for them on your next visit. This photo is one of our ‘dead hedges’ – it’s a pile of logs and old braches and fallen leaves and it’s home to all sorts of wildlife!

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