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The warmth of July combined with the excessive rainfall earlier in the month has meant two things:

1.    Everything around the farm has grown at an astonishing rate
2.    We have mud at a time of year when usually the tracks are rock hard

 To say the farm looks lush and green would be an understatement. The hedgerows are spectacular, the Beckley Bowl field is knee high with Yorkshire Fog and the woodland trails were so jungle-like they’ve had to be hacked back so that you can still explore them comfortably. The wildflower meadows have taken a bit of a beating – the heavy rain has meant that some sections of meadow are flattened rather that still standing proud, and the wet weather means that harvest might be a challenge this year – but as always, all we can do is work with what nature brings us.

The ponds around the farm are full to the brim. Usually by now the two seasonal ponds on the farm that are just fed via water that runs-off the hillside are either bone dry or just puddles, but this year the ducks are still happily using them because the water table is still so high. We’ve removed the rowboat from the pond at Meadow Keeper’s Cottage because the bank was getting eroded from all the rain making safe boat-boarding, almost impossible!

We always advise guests to pack wellies or walking boots but this year it really is compulsory! The farm is on clay, so the surface water takes a long time to drain. The grounds around Meadow Keeper’s Cottage, which sits right next to a pond, are a bit squelchy underfoot and there are still puddles on all the tracks around the farm. Your flip flops won’t be up to the challenge I’m afraid, so do pack wisely.

Jason is busy on the farm most days strimming back the overgrowth to make sure that we’re keeping the farm wild in the right places, but walkable for guests. By the time he’s been round the site once, it’s time to start from the beginning again. 

The sunshine and blue skies are gloriously welcome this week so hopefully guests will be able to enjoy some long lazy days outside soaking up the rays rather than getting soaked instead! 

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