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The early part of this month is focused on getting our off grid spaces closed up and ready for winter. That means a lot of necessary but not especially exciting jobs like – taking stock of all the kit we provide, repairing anything that needs fixing, retiring anything beyond its useful life and then boxing it all up until spring. Curtains are removed, soft furnishings are stored, mattresses are aired and everything is cleaned and tidied. We then take a good look to decide what needs repainting or replacing before next season and the list of jobs begin!

Meantime the autumn / winter season is underway. Our visitors at this time of year are looking for a different experience – Hygge is where it’s at! Roaring fires to huddle around outside and wood burning stoves to keep toasty inside , comfort food, board games and good books are the order of the day, and we can provide all of that!

The tracks around the farm become muddy again at this time of year, the team live in their welly boots and it’s all about the layers on a working day – we start off freezing and once we’re stuck into farm jobs / changeover cleans / laundry and ironing – we soon get warm!

The animals are experts in seeking out a warm spot to enjoy the afternoon sunshine – the donkeys in particular like hanging out in the greenhouse – they aren’t daft, they use it as their own private solarium!  The goats are always lined up outside their hut as soon as the sun appears, and when Sue the pig isn’t inside her house buried in straw to keep warm, she’s basking in the sunniest patch of orchard she can find.

The firework season is upon us which is a challenging one – first because of course they aren’t good for the environment, so – sorry to be killjoys – but we’re not fans. Second – and just as important- the farm animals really don’t like the noise, it’s distressing to watch the donkeys and the sheep run around their fields in what can only be described as panic. Many of you will have household pets who are distressed by fireworks too, thankfully Mungo and Tilly aren’t bothered, but those of you who’ve known us long enough to remember little Mabel – might recall how terrified she was of fireworks.

Later this month the ‘keep sheep’ will return for winter grazing on our wildflower meadows – but more about that when they arrive.

We’re full steam ahead with planning for guests who will be with us over the festive season too. Lots of baking and taste testing going on in the kitchen to make sure we’ve perfected some special treats to share with you (at least that’s our excuse for tucking in to yet another batch of gingerbread cookies!).

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